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Online Giving is easy, flexible, secure! Click on the GIVE ONLINE button below.
Leaders In Motion is St. Peter Claver’s ecumenical youth organization (14 - 18 years old). We invite all youth in our neighborhoods to participate in affirming and supporting one another in a welcoming, safe and fun environment.
Likewise, Leaders On Mission is an ecumenical young adult organization for those 19 - 39 years old.
Finally, our Apprentices In Motion is for youth under 12.
For more information , contact Christopher Kendall at
This event was broadcast on November 27, 2021. We thank all those who shared their talents with us. The prize winners were:
1st Place: Olivia Walker
2nd Place: Danielle Radford
3rd Place: Isolyn Radford
4th Place (tie): Kendall Sinatra
4th Place (tie): Madison Walker
Click below to view the 5th Annual Harvest Talent Festival